It's Not Me Monday Time

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It was Not Me who didn't want to get up early Fri to take Tanner to school in the cold, after there being no school all week. I totally would not be an irresponsible mom and let my child stay home.

It was Not Me that decided to drive to a friend's house an hour away just to watch the Super Bowl when I needed to be cleaning my house. I would not do such a thing esp when I am obsessive about my house being clean. It was a fun time (if I would have done that).

It was Not Me that forgot Logan's antibiotics at home after going to the mentioned Super Bowl party, I would never miss a single dose of his medicine!! (I was very proud that that was the 1st time I had forgotten it the entire week he has been on it)

It was Not Me that went to the store just to buy this Winnie the Pooh potty chair for Logan as he has said several times he wants to use that one to potty train. I would most certainly insist he use the one we have.

That about wraps up my Not Me's for this week. I am trying to remember to write them down as they happen so on Monday I am not forgetting a good one. (I would not be so into my blog that I think about Not Me's throughout the week!)

I am feeling a bit better since my last post. I think posting that and rereading it really helps. Not sure how that works but hey I will take it!! I have also found, through much encouraging from Fav Cuz, to go somewhere quiet and just talk to Mom really helps too! I also like when I am driving or outside to look up at that sky and kind of talk to her too. I have always found a deeper sense of peace while being outside ever since she died. I have not ever been an outside kind of person, but for some reason it brings me peace when I am outside. Slowly but surely I am finding little things that seem to help.