Thank Goodness for Family!!!

I need to be so thankful for the wonderful family that I have!! I have been so down lately kind of feeling "checked out" but talking to my family has really helped. My awesome cousin commented on my intro to my mom post and had some very uplifting words to say to me that meant alot. Thank you so much cousin!!!! My very special lil sis and one of her close friends have been very helpful over the phone as well. Sometimes I guess that is what you need is just someone to say "Hey I am here." Even though I know that and know that other family is there for me as well, I guess I needed to hear it again. Does that sound silly or what??? So I am feeling somewhat better. I may not be down the road from my family but my cousin is right, we are all a phone call or plane ticket away. I should know that since my phone is hardly ever out of my hand these days from texting someone or another. LOL So I thought I would say that yeah I know Mom is around somewhere so I shouldn't be bogged down with sadness, she would not want me to be that way. I have a husband and 2 sons that deserve more from me than that. I have family that loves me no matter where I am, what I look like or how I feel even. Just wanted to say Thanks to my family!!!! I Love all of you!!!